Season 5 – epiBLOG 23: In honor of LGBT Pride Month, I want to encourage artists to be proud of what we do for a living or what we are striving to do for a living. Being proud is not about making others feel bad about who they are, but about you feeling good about who...
Season 5 – epiBLOG 20: When I originally started writing 20+ years ago, the only type of writing that I considered doing was screenwriting. Although that is still one of my absolute favorite types of writing to do, I find so much reward through serving my clients with...
Season 4 – epiBLOG 15: If you’re an artist, you are a dreamer. Dreams are a great thing. Without them, we would never set goals, create objectives, and take action to materialize our dreams. So keep your heads in the metaphorical clouds and keep taking actions that...
Season 3 – epiBLOG 24: Even though we never really think about it in the following terms, one of the most challenging tasks to do as an artist is to figure out what productive activity we can do directly after experiencing a gigantic setback, a failure, or whatever...
Season 3 – epiBLOG: 23: Remaining in a state of continuously learning will allow you to expand as much as possible, especially as an artist. The moment you believe you know all there is to know within your industry, is the moment you stop looking for innovative ways...