Season 6 – epiBLOG 2: I know that I’ve been posting a lot about being in the right mindset recently. If you’re ambitious like the majority of the people who read this blog, you’ve probably heard it all and don’t want to hear anything more about positive thinking. Many...
Season 4 – epiBLOG 17: The “F-U” that I’m referring to here is “following-up” with people, so please get your minds out of the gutter. Following-up is crucial to the success of every entrepreneurial artist. How often do you reach out to people for the very first time...
Season 4 – epiBLOG 15: If you’re an artist, you are a dreamer. Dreams are a great thing. Without them, we would never set goals, create objectives, and take action to materialize our dreams. So keep your heads in the metaphorical clouds and keep taking actions that...
Season 4 – epiBLOG 12: I hated social media! For years. Sincerely… I mean that just in case you don’t believe me. It felt like the biggest waste of time for any artist – ever! I fought and justified why it was a waste of my time as a writer – or for anyone, really....
Season 2 – epiBLOG 26: DECEMBER THEME – “GIVING” This is the last blog for 2016! I want to thank all of you who have been loyal supporters of the Uncloseted Professor Blog this year! Your support means the world to me! Today will also mark the end of Season 2. Season...