Season 3 – epiBLOG 5: Those of you who are my former college students know that the idea of a “day job” isn’t all that exciting of an idea to me. The very definition of a “day job” according to Google is “a person’s regular job and main source of income, typically as...
Season 3 – epiBLOG 4: Remember those posters in elementary and secondary school that would be plastered all over the school’s walls with some celebrity holding a book? Apparently, that was supposed to inspire young, inquisitive minds to enjoy the written word. Those...
Season 3 – epiBLOG 3: There’s nothing sadder to me than watching a gay person work so hard at trying to be straight. Before any of you begin attacking me for making a politically incorrect statement, I want you to know that I’m speaking from personal experience;...
SEASON 1 – EpiBLOG 21 – FINALE: It seems like such a simple question. “How do you get what you want?” Perhaps asking questions was just easier when we were children. We asked for an extra piece of chocolate cake. We asked if we could spend the night at our...
SEASON 1 – EpiBLOG 20: Life is like a huge menu. Like one at the Cheesecake Factory. If any of you haven’t had the opportunity to enjoy the delicious large portions of food at that awesome restaurant chain, please do yourselves a favor and go… at least once! My...