Season 5 – epiBLOG 11: Scheduling success. Yeah, you read that correctly. I know you must be thinking, “How do I put success into my schedule?” Each working day as an entrepreneurial artist, your day should be planned. It should never just happen. When you don’t plan...
Season 4 – epiBLOG 7: How many of you set goals? Dream with your hands behind your head as you lie down on your bed staring at the blank slate that is your ceiling? Or how many of you purposefully visualize your desired life with a successful career in your artistic...
Season 3 – epiBLOG 15: You guys are in for the biggest “treat” ever… and I know it’s not even close to being Halloween! I have another spectacular featured artist that will “wow” you beyond your beliefs. I had the opportunity to meet this young lady through my Greater...
SEASON 1 – EpiBLOG 21 – FINALE: It seems like such a simple question. “How do you get what you want?” Perhaps asking questions was just easier when we were children. We asked for an extra piece of chocolate cake. We asked if we could spend the night at our...
SEASON 1 – EpiBLOG 14: I was watching re-runs of the 90’s sitcom Friends last night. First of all… LOVE the show. I can watch it a million times over, and still never get tired of the “Ross and Rachel” saga, “Chandler’s” anxiety over everything, “Phoebe” singing about...