Season 3 – epiBLOG 26: Today marks the end of “Season 3” of the UnCloseted Professor Blog. However, “Season 4” is starting next week, and is chalked full of all of the good stuff that you’ve come to love, and sprinkled with some new ingredients that are sure to have...
Season 3 – epiBLOG: 23: Remaining in a state of continuously learning will allow you to expand as much as possible, especially as an artist. The moment you believe you know all there is to know within your industry, is the moment you stop looking for innovative ways...
Season 3 — epiBLOG 12: You know that I can’t let the entire month go by without acknowledging Women’s History Month! I definitely want to celebrate female artists everywhere – those who are well-known and those who are currently making a name for themselves. To...
Season 3 – epiBLOG 6: HAPPY ONE-YEAR ANNIVERSARY to The UnCloseted Professor Blog! This blog has provided entrepreneurial artists with professional and self-help tips and advice to keep them moving forward for the past 12 months! Thank you to all of my loyal...
Season 2 – epiBLOG 26: DECEMBER THEME – “GIVING” This is the last blog for 2016! I want to thank all of you who have been loyal supporters of the Uncloseted Professor Blog this year! Your support means the world to me! Today will also mark the end of Season 2. Season...