Season 2 – epiBLOG 19: NOVEMBER THEME – “GRATITUDE” If you are an American… if you are a registered voter… if you are eligible to vote… please let your VOICE be heard today at the polls. If you don’t say anything or do anything, you will be sending out the message to...
Season 2 – epiBLOG 17: OCTOBER THEME – “FEAR” (FYI… THERE ARE NO SPECIFIC SPOILERS IN THIS BLOG) This is the last “scary” blog for October, as today is the final Tuesday of the month! There are so many fears to discuss, but out of respect for the terrible loss that...
Season 2 – epiBLOG 12: SEPTEMBER THEME – “TRANSFORMATION” I often wonder why we are put in the same situations over and over again during the course of our lives. And I suppose the obvious answer is that we need to learn the lesson in the experience so that we don’t...