SEASON 1 – EpiBLOG 20: Life is like a huge menu. Like one at the Cheesecake Factory. If any of you haven’t had the opportunity to enjoy the delicious large portions of food at that awesome restaurant chain, please do yourselves a favor and go… at least once! My...
SEASON 1 – EpiBLOG 7: (PART B) NOPE… I did not get the job that I really wanted, which was an Articulation Officer/Associate Professor position at a community college right outside San Diego proper. I also was turned down for 2 other full time positions at an art...
SEASON 1 – EpiBLOG 6: (PART A) Year: 2015. Early Saturday morning. Blue skies. What else do you see in Arizona? Yet, the back of my eyelids never looked so beautiful that morning. My intrusive subconscious poking and urging me to grade papers. My 17 year old son’s...