Season 3 – epiBLOG: 2 I’m so excited about today’s blog! I’ve taken the opportunity to get to know and interview the awesome and wonderful one and only Maria Pablo of Maria Pablo Photography! She is the “real deal,” as they say, because she is out making great things...
Season 2 – epiBLOG 19: NOVEMBER THEME – “GRATITUDE” If you are an American… if you are a registered voter… if you are eligible to vote… please let your VOICE be heard today at the polls. If you don’t say anything or do anything, you will be sending out the message to...
Season 2 – epiBLOG 5: AUGUST THEME – “BACK TO SCHOOL” In light of most schools in the United States beginning their new academic year, I figured the “Back to School” theme for this month is one that would be the most fitting. Even as an educator myself, I believe we...
Season 2 – epiBLOG 2: Happy Tuesday to all of you! I’m excited to be writing on this month’s theme of “Freedom.” In these United States we have the freedom to be whoever we want to be. Whoever we create ourselves to be. And this is a good thing. Sometimes. We create...