Season 5 – epiBLOG 15:

In this SPECIAL EDITION of The UnCloseted Professor Blog, I get the opportunity to share with all of you the experience I had last Thursday at the Chic & Savvy Ladies Night Event.

Executive Chef Avian George
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Executive Chef Avian George

It was a night of meeting and greeting, listening to motivating speakers, visiting DIY booths, enjoying music and dance, and tasting delicious food from Avian’s House Catering. His chicken was so good that my mouth is watering just thinking about it. Executive Chef Avian George is an absolute genius and magician with how he transforms food to a delightful treat that seems to dance on your tongue.

Attending events, networking, and connecting with people is instrumental to your success as an entrepreneurial artist. Not only do you get to learn from others, but you get to meet individuals who will ultimately support your business as either a customer, client, colleague, friend, or all of the above. Connecting with others is a magical experience!

And meeting persistent and tenacious entrepreneurial women was very inspiring!

Entrepreneur and Event Producer Cory DeLisle
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Entrepreneur and Event Producer Cory DeLisle

Not only was I given a special invite by Business Strategist Shaun Arron Cassidy, I was invited by Cory DeLisle, the event’s producer. After reading my portfolio, she offered me an opportunity to cover the night of fun in the very blog post that you’re reading right now! How exciting is that! I definitely felt the love with two special invites!

As soon as I walked into the venue at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in sunny San Diego, I spotted Shaun Cassidy, wearing his signature-style fedora hat and preparing to take the stage to speak later on in the evening. He greeted me with his usual warm smile, and introduced me to Cory. With the professionalism of a seasoned entrepreneur, she took the time to offer me a solid handshake and smile in the midst of taking care of multiple tasks. She is not only an event producer, but she’s a licensed esthetician, and owns and operates Simply Scentual Spa, which is a green spa dedicated to the health & well-being of her clients.

Award-Winning Writer Nitara Osbourne with Entrepreneur Megan R. Fenyoe
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Award-Winning Writer Nitara Osbourne with Entrepreneur Megan R. Fenyoe

Shaun began to walk me around the event as people were pouring in, and I had a chance to meet some hard-working entrepreneurs. One of the first bright faces that stood before me was Megan R. Fenyoe. We immediately connected with the first few words of our conversation. Megan is currently writing a book, but also works as a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW), motivational speaker, life coach, and is the owner of Mission Strength. When asked about the meaning behind her business name, she says, “I am on a MISSION to inspire healthy living (mind.body.soul) around the world and it took STRENGTH to get me to share where I am today.” Her company offers both personal and group coaching. She is an amazing woman with a wealth of knowledge, passion, and a burning desire to succeed! Even though I met her at her booth, I was also able to hear her speak from the stage. I look forward to meeting her for a cup of matcha green tea, and learning more about how amazing she is.

I then took a “visit” to the “farm” when I stopped by the very next table next to Megan’s.

Nitara Osbourne with Farm Fresh to You's Celena Barone
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Nitara Osbourne with Farm Fresh to You’s Celena Barone

Farm Fresh to You ships fresh fruits and vegetables directly to your door! How amazing is that! Celena Barone took the time to share the benefits and rewards of having such a convenient and affordable service. I have to admit, she definitely convinced me to try something new. I signed up. She’s been working with Farm Fresh to You for five years in sales. One thing I noticed about Celena is that she is so personable, informative, and warm. All entrepreneurs can take a lesson from her by how to effectively connect with others, as it is a gift that seems to come to her naturally.

There were a variety of DIY booths, and I wasn’t able to get to them all because I was so busy meeting new people wherever

great conversations would arise. The icing on the cake for the night was definitely the belly dancing, which was very entertaining and fun to watch. How often do you get to see that? The belly dancers seemed to have been passionate about what they do, while they carried out their performance with precision and grace.

Today’s LESSON is to always be open to connecting with others through attending a variety of events.

FUN ASSIGNMENT: Look up events in your local area, find ones that interest you, and commit to attending and making new friends.

Please contact Nitara Osbourne if you’re a full time artist, and would like to be interviewed in The UnCloseted Professor Blog or if you would like help developing your life story into a non-fiction book or movie script.



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