Season 2 – epiBLOG 9:


Today marks the last blog for August, and therefore the final “Back to School” themed blog! Remember to keep reading… I’ll have a whole new theme for next month!

Moving on… Today’s “Back to School” TOPIC is on “Purpose.” When you are walking in your purpose, you’re excited and anticipating great things to come. This is one way to make your heart beat just a little faster without even having to break a sweat.

It’s been almost 19 years ago that I sat in the movie theater in New Orleans, Louisiana and watched the movie Scream 2. Why is that cold night in December of 1997 still one of the most important nights of my life…? Because it was the moment that I KNEW I wanted to be a screenwriter.

I had known since high school that I wanted to tell stories.  I just didn’t know that I wanted to dramatize them in the form of film until watching one of the highest grossing horror film sequels at the time. And although it has been tweaked and refined over time, my purpose — who I am at my core — the essence of my purpose has always remained. And with my screenwriting career blossoming like a flower in springtime, teaching is one of the wonderful serendipities that grew as one of its petals.

Some go through life never experiencing what their life purpose actually is. That saddens me because I know that they feel empty because they are not doing what they are supposed to be doing on this earth. It’s the same feeling that I had sitting in every math class that I can remember. The emptiness of going through the motions, but not really “feeling” anything real that allows me to feel alive. Why go through life that way if you don’t have to?

Some people know exactly what their purpose is, and choose not to do it out of laziness, lack of confidence, fear of success, fear of failure, and a myriad of other reasons or excuses as to why they can’t live the life that they truly desire. Is choosing mediocrity easier than having what you really want in life?

Then there are people who just KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt exactly what they are supposed to spend their days doing and their nights dreaming about, and are actually out there taking action and seeing their dreams materialize.

I feel very fortunate to be walking in my purpose, and feel good to share with other artists that they can do the same. It can be challenging to cancel out the voices of well-meaning and ill-meaning family members and friends who suggest you find a “real job” so that you can make a living.

Usually when parents hear that their son or daughter wants to be a musician, a writer, or painter of art, they cringe on the inside because they are concerned about their abilities or inabilities to be able to make a living at that. It’s a valid concern. Parents put their two cents in on that dream. Some is positive, some negative. However, it’s the negative feedback that sometimes wears down the hopeful artist who only wants to utilize the gifts and talents that they have been given.

I have been fortunate enough to have had supportive people in my life all of the time, which helped to cancel out some of the “negative noise” so that I can keep moving forward. My fiancé is one of my biggest cheerleaders and supporters of my career — and just for me as an overall person. I appreciate her beyond measure. My son is a trusty encourager and his father had been a huge supporter of my endeavors in the past. My parents still see me as their little girl to love and to protect, and are constantly cheering me on towards my goals and dreams, even when the view looks bleak.

Your life purpose cannot just be something that you believe, but must be something that you just KNOW. This KNOWING will act as a shield against negative people, those who doubt you, rejections, self-doubt, challenges, and circumstances. Maybe you don’t have the type of support that I do, but don’t use that as your excuse to not make great things happen. Instead, use it as part of the fuel to propel you forward.

Your purpose has already been created for you. You just have to look from within, discover it, and do the world a favor by using it.

Today’s LESSON is to walk in your purpose in order to live the happiest and most fulfilling life that you can.

FUN ASSIGNMENT: If you’re still needing to find your life’s purpose, meditate, chant, pray, or whatever method works for you to look from within and ask yourself the questions: “What do I want?  What brings me joy? What am I passionate about?” Ask yourself these questions without pre-editing or judging your responses.

Those of you who know your purpose, but choose not to walk in it, choose your “truth.”

Those of you are living your true purpose, continue to do so.

FOR ALL OF YOU — I would then recommend reading Jack Canfield’s book the Key to Living the Law of Attraction. After all, life should be loved, not tolerated!



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