Season 2 – epiBLOG 6: AUGUST THEME – “BACK TO SCHOOL” Before I get into this week’s blog, I’d like to say… Happy 6th Month Anniversary to the Uncloseted Professor Blog! It was launched 6 months ago to the date on February 9, 2016! I’m super excited...
Season 2 – epiBLOG 3: What a crazy world! There have been many scary and horrific, yet avoidable catastrophic events in recent times. Events that make you question humanity, be a little more loving towards loved ones, and pushing you to live each day to its...
SEASON 1 – EpiBLOG 20: Life is like a huge menu. Like one at the Cheesecake Factory. If any of you haven’t had the opportunity to enjoy the delicious large portions of food at that awesome restaurant chain, please do yourselves a favor and go… at least once! My...