Season 6 – epiBLOG 8: As an entrepreneur, you’re always thinking of new ways of growing your business and spending as little money as possible to do it. One of those ways of doing this is by reaching out to people on social media through sending them a private...
Season 5 – epiBLOG 25: Marketing. Many artists cringe at the very sound of this word. Why? Because artists tend to equate “marketing” with “selling,” and many creatives don’t see themselves as a salesman. And there’s nothing wrong with that. I mean it. If you like to...
Season 4 – epiBLOG 21: Happy Thanksgiving and happy short work week! There are so many things that I’m grateful for! Outside of my wonderful family, friends, former students, clients, and health, I’m grateful for being a full time writer and being able to share...
Season 4 – epiBLOG 16: This is a phrase or term that I use daily. In my thoughts. In my blog posts. Even in my social media posts. So… what do I mean by “entrepreneurial artist?” Today’s topic is on defining what an entrepreneurial artist is and how you can naturally...
Season 4 – epiBLOG 12: I hated social media! For years. Sincerely… I mean that just in case you don’t believe me. It felt like the biggest waste of time for any artist – ever! I fought and justified why it was a waste of my time as a writer – or for anyone, really....