Season 2 – epiBLOG 23: DECEMBER THEME – “GIVING” This month is when my favorite holiday of the year is celebrated. Christmas. Many seem to always be in a good mood, to always be thinking about others, and to desire to be a better version of themselves. Plus, this is...
Season 2 – epiBLOG 17: OCTOBER THEME – “FEAR” (FYI… THERE ARE NO SPECIFIC SPOILERS IN THIS BLOG) This is the last “scary” blog for October, as today is the final Tuesday of the month! There are so many fears to discuss, but out of respect for the terrible loss that...
Season 2 – epiBLOG 11: SEPTEMBER THEME – “TRANSFORMATION” What we think about and visualize all day long tends to lead to our reality. Be sure to fill your minds up with something good before what you visualize backfires, and yes, attacks you. What do I mean by this?...
Season 2 – epiBLOG 4: Today is the final week for the FREEDOM theme in my blog series. I kept thinking about what I can share regarding “freedom” and “moving artists forward” in order to end this month in a strong way. It immediately came to me – why don’t we all feel...
Season 2 – epiBLOG 2: Happy Tuesday to all of you! I’m excited to be writing on this month’s theme of “Freedom.” In these United States we have the freedom to be whoever we want to be. Whoever we create ourselves to be. And this is a good thing. Sometimes. We create...