Season 4 – epiBLOG 25: It is less than a week away from the joys of celebrating my favorite holiday! I can’t believe how time flies! My heart is filled with so much love and gratitude today. Not only am I grateful for my partner, her son, my son, our parents and...
Season 4 – epiBLOG 4: One of the enhancements that I’m so glad that we’ve added earlier this year to this blog is the Professional and Successful Artists Series. I feel responsible for providing information to my readers that is helpful, honest, and will move artists...
Season 3 – epiBLOG 6: HAPPY ONE-YEAR ANNIVERSARY to The UnCloseted Professor Blog! This blog has provided entrepreneurial artists with professional and self-help tips and advice to keep them moving forward for the past 12 months! Thank you to all of my loyal...
Season 2 – epiBLOG 5: AUGUST THEME – “BACK TO SCHOOL” In light of most schools in the United States beginning their new academic year, I figured the “Back to School” theme for this month is one that would be the most fitting. Even as an educator myself, I believe we...