Season 3 – epiBLOG 17: Yesterday was my birthday! And I can’t be more grateful for all of the love, gifts, calls, text messages, emails, Facebook messages, and well wishes that I received from family, friends, and former students who have become friends. Thank you...
Season 3 – epiBLOG 6: HAPPY ONE-YEAR ANNIVERSARY to The UnCloseted Professor Blog! This blog has provided entrepreneurial artists with professional and self-help tips and advice to keep them moving forward for the past 12 months! Thank you to all of my loyal...
Season 2 – epiBLOG 11: SEPTEMBER THEME – “TRANSFORMATION” What we think about and visualize all day long tends to lead to our reality. Be sure to fill your minds up with something good before what you visualize backfires, and yes, attacks you. What do I mean by this?...