Season 5 – epiBLOG 26: You notice me using the phrase “entrepreneurial artist” in many of my blog posts and when I promote the blog itself on social media. Some of you may wonder why I separate “artists” from “entrepreneurial artists.” There is a good reason why I do...
Season 4 – epiBLOG 24: The holidays are upon us. It’s the “season of giving,” as they say. Delicious foods. Visiting family and friends. Holiday décor. The whole nine yards. No matter what you celebrate this time of year, please be sure to continue to take the time to...
Season 4 – epiBLOG 18: One thing I know about myself is that I live to eat. You read that correctly – I “LIVE” to eat. I like just about every type of food – with the exception of quinoa. I honestly wish that people would stop trying to trick me into thinking that...
Season 4 – epiBLOG 12: I hated social media! For years. Sincerely… I mean that just in case you don’t believe me. It felt like the biggest waste of time for any artist – ever! I fought and justified why it was a waste of my time as a writer – or for anyone, really....
Season 4 – epiBLOG 5: Yep, you guessed it. I’m going to encourage you to do SOMETHING productive instead of sitting back and waiting for SOMETHING to come to you because you feel entitled to receive what your heart desires. So, here’s the tough love…...